CPR Universal water ice tank w/ Davies craig EMP pump 5.6 gallon
To fulfill the needs of those that need an economical solution for their air to water system we wanted to develop a universal tank setup. This tank can be configured multiple ways so please make sure you are selecting the version you want. We do not provide any feed/return lines, or drain. This is due to the nature of the tank and the unknown chassis it will be going in. We do provide a -16 ORB plug for you to plug the return line you’re not using. The tank comes standard in a raw finish with a 6” plastic lid. (powder coating and 6” billet lid are optional) This tank is 5.6 gallons so it has more then enough capacity for big power 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile pulls.
Tank has 4 tabs on the side for mounting.
Powder coating is $55 extra (please email us to add that to your order)